🎉🎉🎉 Announcing the release of Apache Pinot 1.3.0

Introduction to Geospatial Queries in Apache Pinot

By: Hubert Dulay

June 13th, 20211 min read

Geospatial data has been widely used across the industry, spanning multiple verticals, such as ride-sharing and delivery, transportation infrastructure, defense and intel, public health. Deriving insights from timely and accurate geospatial data could enable mission-critical use cases in the organizations and fuel a vibrant marketplace across the industry. In the design document for this new Pinot feature, we discuss the challenges of analyzing geospatial at scale and propose the geospatial support in Pinot.

Read More at https://medium.com/apache-pinot-developer-blog/introduction-to-geospatial-queries-in-apache-pinot-b63e2362e2a9

Introduction to Geospatial Queries in Apache Pinot